class: center, middle # Overview of ES6 Features ### by Alex Rudenko 2016 --- # Agenda 0. Intro 1. Assignment Destructuring ✗ 2. Spread and Rest (not REST) ✗ 3. Arrow Functions ✓ 4. Template Literals (Strings) ✓ 5. Classes ✓ 6. Let this var be const ✓ 7. Symbols ✓ 8. Iterators ✓ 9. Object Literals ✓ 10. Generators ✓ 11. Promises ✓ 12. New Data Types ✓ 13. New Methods ✓ 14. Proxies ✗ 15. Reflection ✗ 16. Strings and Unicode ✓ 17. Import/Export ✗ 18. ES2016 / ES7s ✗ ✓ - available in node 4.2.*, ✗ - not available in node 4.2.* --- # Intro .center[ ![]( ] - ES5 standardized in 2009 - ES6 == ES2015 (standardized in June 2015) - ES7 == ES2016 (soon) --- # Assignment Destructuring ✗ .left-column[ ## ES6 ```js let { clone } = lodash; let { clone: myClone } = lodash; let { first, , third } = [1, 2, 3]; function foo({a = 1, b = 3}) { // a and b available // a === 1, b === 3 } ``` ] .right-column[ ## ES5 ```js var clone = lodash.clone; var myClone = lodash.clone; var first = [1, 2, 3][0]; // etc function foo(obj) { var a = obj.a || 1; var b = obj.b || 3; } ``` ] .clear[ Source/Details: ] --- # Spread and Rest (not REST) ✗ .left-column[ ## ES6 ```js function(...args) { // args instanceof array === true } [head, ...tail] = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // head === 1, tail === [2, 3, 4] new Date(...[2014, 1, 1]); ``` ] .right-column[ ## ES5 ```js function(/* arguments */) { var args = Array .prototype .slice .call(arguments, 0); } // equivalent? probably some // function calls :-) // apply + some other complex stuff ``` ] .clear[ Source/Details: ] --- ## Arrow Functions ✓ ```js // implicit return [1, 2, 3].map(x => x + 1) // explicit return [1, 2, 3].map(x => { return x + 1; }) // implicit return of an object [1, 2, 3].map(x => ({ newX: x + 1 })) function foo() { const c = 1; this.a = 10; this.b = [1, 2] .map(x => x + this.a + c); // this cannot be changed } exports.create = () => new Stuff(); ``` Source/Details: --- ## Template Literals (Strings) ✓ ```js var a = 1; var b = 2; var msg = `A = ${a}, 2B = ${b * 2}`; // also multi-line // also can call functions ``` Source/Details: --- ## Classes ✓ ```js class Booking { constructor() { = id; } getId() { return; } static formatId(id) { return id; } } class Car2GoBooking extends Booking { constructor(id, smth) { super(id); } getId() { return super.getId() + 'smth'; } } ``` --- ## Let this var be const ✓ TDZ (Temporal Dead Zone) ```js b = 10; // ok a = 10; // error c = 10; // error if (true) { a = 10; // error b = 10; // ok c = 10; // error let a = 1; var b = 2; const c = 3; a = 10; // ok b = 10; // ok c = 10; // error } const obj = { a: 1}; obj.a = 2; // ok ``` --- ## Symbols ✓ - A new primitive type in ES6 - `var symbol = Symbol()` - You can use symbols to avoid name clashes in property keys Source/Details: --- ## Iterators ✓ ```js var str = { [Symbol.iterator]: () => ({ items: ['p', 'a', 'y'], next: function next () { return { done: this.items.length === 0, value: this.items.shift() } } }) } for (let letter of str) { console.log(letter) } ``` Source/Details: --- ## Object Literals ✓ ```js var foo = 1; var obj = { foo, // foo: foo, f() { // f: function() {} return 'user'; } }; var prefix = 'test'; var obj2 = { [prefix + 'Foo']: 'bar' // testFoo: 'bar' } ``` Source/Details: --- ## Generators 1/2 ✓ ```js function* generator () { yield 'b' yield 'o' yield 'o' yield 'k' } var g = generator() for (let letter of g) { console.log(letter); // <- 'b' // <- 'o' // <- 'o' // <- 'k' } var g = generator(); // see also while (true) { let item = if (item.done) { break } console.log(item.value) } ``` Source/Details: --- ## Generators 2/2 ✓ ```js var co = require('co'); co(function *(){ // yield any promise var result = yield Promise.resolve(true); }).catch(onerror); co(function *(){ // resolve multiple promises in parallel var a = Promise.resolve(1); var b = Promise.resolve(2); var c = Promise.resolve(3); var res = yield [a, b, c]; console.log(res); // => [1, 2, 3] }).catch(onerror); // errors can be try/catched co(function *(){ try { yield Promise.reject(new Error('boom')); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); // "boom" } }).catch(onerror); ``` See also: See also: --- ## Promises ✓ ```js function readFile(file) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } resolve(data); }) }) } readFile('text.doc') .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch(err => console.error(err)); ``` Source/Details: --- ## New Data Types ✓ - Map - WeakMap - Set - WeakSet --- ## New Methods ✓ - `Number.isNaN`, `Number.isFinite` - `Number.parseInt`, Number.parseFloat - `Number.isInteger` - `Number.EPSILON` - `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` - `Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER` - `Number.isSafeInteger` - `Math.sign` and others - `Array.from` and others - `Object.assign` - `` - `Object.setPrototypeOf` - `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols` - `String.startsWith`, `endsWith`, `repeats` etc: --- ## Proxies ✗ > The Proxy object is used to define custom behavior for fundamental operations (e.g. property lookup, assignment, enumeration, function invocation, etc). ```js var handler = { get: function(target, name){ return name in target? target[name] : 37; } }; var p = new Proxy({}, handler); p.a = 1; p.b = undefined; console.log(p.a, p.b); // 1, undefined console.log('c' in p, p.c); // false, 37 ``` --- ## Reflection ✗ ```js var yay = Reflect .defineProperty(target, 'foo', { value: 'bar' }) ``` Source/Details: --- ## Import/Export ✗ ```js import $ from 'jquery'; // default import import { clone, equals } from 'lodash'; // named import function myFunc(obj) { return clone(obj); } export default myFunc; // default export export myFunc; // named, myFunc will be exported export var a = 1; // named, a will be exported export { myFunc: moduleFunc }; // named with alias ``` Source/Details: --- ## ES2016 / ES7 ✗ Two features: - The `Array.prototype.includes` returns whether the provided reference value is included in the array or not. - `**` operator ```js 1 ** 2 === Math.pow(1, 2) ``` Source/Details: ES Proposal: --- ## Thanks! .center[ ![]( ]